The conference of Muslim scholars scholars is being held in A.A..

The conference of Muslim scholars/ #scholars is being held in Addis Ababa since yesterday.

At the second annual meeting of scholars (Muslim scholars) of the Supreme Council of Ethiopian Islamic Affairs, which is said to last for three days:
- # of Tigray
- Somali
- Shy
- Amhara
- Oromia
- Gambella
- Southwest Ethiopia
- Central Ethiopia
- Southern Ethiopia
- Harari
- Sidama
- Benishangul Gumuz regions as well as Ulama councils of Dredawa city are participating.

The President of the Supreme Council of Ethiopian Islamic Affairs, Honorable Dr. Sheikh Haji Ibrahim Tufa, delivered his opening speech yesterday; He said, "After our relationship with the High Council of Islamic Affairs of Tigray, which was separated due to the lack of peace caused by the war, it is gratifying to attend a conference today and it increases the value of peace."

Sheikh Haji Ibrahim Tufa; "The Muslim scholars of our country are in dire straits and are the leaders of the religion who are in great debt to the people and who are making great efforts to pass the religion for generations and create social bonds," he said.

Dr. Jailan Khedr, Deputy Chairman of the National Ulema Assembly and Chairman of the Fatwa Abi Committee, said, "The creation of this kind of connection between the Ulema is of great benefit to the unity of the Muslim community."
It is said that the meeting of the ulema assembly, where the problems of the Muslim and the actual situation of the Shariah court, the officials of the ulema council and the high council of Islamic affairs meet and consult on this forum will make the forum historic.

It was found that the participating regions of the conference have submitted a report to the conference regarding the actual situation of their respective regions.

The second annual conference of Ethiopian Muslim Scholars will be held today, and research papers will be presented and discussed, according to information obtained by Tikvah Ethiopia from the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Council.

NB. It will be remembered that Tigray High Council of Islamic Affairs resolved the dispute with the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs of Ethiopia by apologizing and returning to the previous agreement.

30-01-2024 05:30