It is with great pleasure that we announce that our company has completed

It is with great pleasure that we announce that our company has completed the first plan of the fiscal year 2016 with excellent performance!
Our company reached 74.6 million customers in the middle of the fiscal year and achieved 98.3% of the plan and 42.86 billion birr in total revenue.
84.7 million USD was earned from foreign exchange earning services, which achieved 109% of the plan.
In addition to our company's multi-faceted efforts to expand revenue options, we achieved 113% of the plan by saving more than 2 billion in only half a year by implementing the DO2SAVE strategy to effectively use costs.
This has contributed to our joint effort to make our company profitable, and accordingly, before external audit, EBITDA was 19.77 billion (46%) and managed to record 137% of the plan.
A net profit of Birr 11 billion was recorded in the first half of the year, an increase of 14% compared to the same period last year, bringing the profitability rate to 26%.
Dear customers and partners, we sincerely thank you for your cooperation in achieving this success!

30-01-2024 07:37