It is said that four monks of the ancient and historical

It is said that four monks of the ancient and historical Zzala Debre Kozor Abune Gebre Holy Ghost Monastery were killed by "Ong Shene" militants and one father escaped and was injured in the monastery.

Today, in the words given by the Deputy Head of the Public Relations Department of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Malaksalam Reverend Dawit Jared; "One of the ministers of the church, who was not found among the killed fathers, is thought to have returned alive, but his whereabouts are still unknown," he said.
"The four fathers were killed, including Abatekelmariam Asrat, the guardian of the monastery. There were things that were not mentioned about the fifth father, whether he is alive or not. But his whereabouts are still unknown," he said.
Killed Fathers of the Monastery:
- the priest of the monastery,
- Monastery Secretary,
- They are the monks of the monastery and those who are religious.

Along with the killed fathers, the missing father is also a servant of the monastery.

Reverend David, who explained the way in which his fathers were arrested and
killed; He said, "After two fathers were taken away, the three of them were arrested after they were asked to speak to them."

The monks of the monastery were killed after being taken hostage while efforts were being made to free them.

The deputy head mentioned that similar security threats have happened to the church before; They pointed out that the church has submitted its notice to the government on how the existence of the monastery will be maintained in the future.
At present, the monks and the relics of the monastery are in danger, so the church has called on the federal and state security agencies to provide protection.
on the other hand ; The Oromia Regional Security and Administration Bureau has announced that the perpetrator of the murder is "Shene" and that a concerted action is being taken against the armed forces.

The government, through its spokesperson, denied that an armed force called "Shene", which calls itself the Oromo Liberation Army, had committed the murder and said, "We do not know by which force such a murder was committed, and we condemn the murder."

26-02-2024 01:45